Naturally soap and detergent free and properly ph balanced, Espana SILK Natural Protein Enhanced Shampoo deep cleans, conditions and dramatically moisturizes. A special blend of extra Silk Proteins, Vegetable Proteins, Coconut Surfactant and Jojoba Oil provides superior conditioning to accentuate natural gloss and sheen. Don't expect heaps of suds; they actually inhibit the cleaning and moisturizing that hair requires because suds clump hair shafts together. With SILK Natural Protein Shampoo, you'll see the difference as it separates each hair shaft and gives it individual attention to ensure deep cleaning and moisturizing that hair requires. Plus rinsing is a breeze, saving time and water. Great for dogs, cats, horses, all animals and people. Environmentally friendly! (Ready-to-use or up to 15:1 dilution)
"I purchased a couple of your products at the OHIO EQUINE AFFAIRE. My step-daugher has had issues with ezcema for awhile and has had numerous prescription medications with litle relief. I bought your ANTISEPTIC CONDITIONER/LOTION for her, she had been using it for 2 weeks and her red, itching areas have cleared up and she is symptom free. Thank you!!"