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Gift Pack

EspanaSilk Gift Pack
Espana SILK Gift Pack

6 - 4.23oz bottles of EspanaSILK Natural Grooming Products includes Regular Protein Shampoo,  Regular Protein Conditioner, Protein Detangler/Full body Sheen/Protectant Spray with Sunscreen, Protein Waterless Shampoo, Antiseptic Topical Spray and Natural Bug Spray for $49.99 plus shipping and applicable sales tax. 
Regular Price: $59.99 (SAVE $10)

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Price: $49.99

"Dear ESPANA, I have been using the shampoos and the conditioner as well as detangler. I have been soaking my boyfriends feet in a bath of the antiseptic shampoo and it is working wonders on healing the cracks and easing the soreness. Your product has given my hair a new shine that it hasn't had in a very long time....all I need to do now is purchase some more."

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