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Customer Testimonials

"Trudy I read your article in the Central Women's Magazine, what a truly amazing story! Thank you for sharing with us. I am so happy that you created this product. I absolutely love it. Since I started my business two years ago I have used nothing else but your products exclusively. It works beautifully and I never have to worry about a dog having a reaction to what I am using or if I accidentally get some in the eye. I use it on myself as well. And to top it all off my experience in dealing with you and your business has always been positive :-)!"

"Hi Trudy, Your products are the best!! So far, 5 of my horses have had Espana Silk Baths. I have used the topical spray on a cat's sunburned ears and my arab's little bit of scratches. Both look great!!! I used the whitening on Lori's horses's mane and tail. He is a paint palamino & his coat just glistened. Lori was thriled!! My sister is very anxious to try the products on her dog and I will be trying them on myself too...thank you and hope to see you again!"

"Recently I washed my grey horse with espana shampoo and conditioner. It worked great and removed the yellow tinge that grey horses can develop. My horse had a beautiful silver shine and I was very pleased. The next day a neighbor whom I had never met and who is not a horse person dropped by the barn. She said that she enjoys watching my horse and me train though her windows. She was concerned because I had a new horse and wanted to know what had happened to my previous horse. She was relieved when I explained that it was the same horse and I had just bathed him. Thought you would like to know that your products had made such a great imporovement that my neighbor thought I had a different horse. Thanks for a great product."

"I have a Morgan horse and have used several products including Horse Sheen, Mane and Tail plus several others but have not been able to get results like I got with your product.....your Full Body Sheen/Detangler item. I was given a sample a couple days ago and used it just yesterday and still today I have great results!! I ordered a LITRE of it now and thank you for these great products. I used the shampoo on his tail as well and LOVE IT!!!"

"Hi Trudy, It's your "happy dance" friend from Maine. I gave my friend with the horses some of the samples you sent me...she LOVED them and will be placing an order today. I used the shampoo on my NIKO and also on me...I LOVED IT JUST AS MUCH ON ME AS ON HIM. I will be placing an order for FULL sizes soon. Thank you again!!"

"My guy was bathed in your Regular Shampoo and Regular Conditioner and I Love,Love,Love, Love Love it on his coat even more than I love it on my own hair. His coat is so soft and silky and easy to manage! It was easiest brushing and combing after bath ever!!! And it was easiest rinsing out of shampoo & conditioner that I have ever seen on him!!! Much faster blow drying also!!!Lots of thanks from me and Nal!! You really made my job much, much easier and the results are much, much better then ever before!!!"

"I spoke with Trudy at the Ohio Equine Affair and bought products for my horse and dogs. I love the brightening shampoo (white horse, manure stains) works great. Whitest his mane and tail has ever been. The fly spray is great. The antiseptic shapoo, conditioner and topical spray is great for flea and tick prevention. I'm becoming a pleased return customer! Thanks"

"OH BOY, AM I THRILLED!! My 3 cotons looks so much better today, they are soft, smell good and tangle free!! Two of them were really really bad...I thought I would have to get them shaved...unbelieveable stuff you have and on the plus side, I have very dry hands that itch all the time but no problem with your detangler--actually--my hands are all soft this morning! I'm going to the groomer soon and I will give her the samples of shampoo, conditioner and detangler you sent me so she can use it on my babies as well. I have already posted on the Coton de Tulear website how much I'm in LOVE, LOVE, LOVE with your products. Believe me I could not get on top of things here as 3 is a little much to keep perfect!! Thank You, Thank You, Thank You!!"

"I purchased a couple of your products at the OHIO EQUINE AFFAIRE. My step-daugher has had issues with ezcema for awhile and has had numerous prescription medications with litle relief. I bought your ANTISEPTIC CONDITIONER/LOTION for her, she had been using it for 2 weeks and her red, itching areas have cleared up and she is symptom free. Thank you!!"

"OMG!!! I can't believe it. I got home and immediately used the Antiseptic Topical Spray on Otis and TADA!!! No itching. I can't believe it. He is still on sterioids but he was itching the morning before I left and since the spray yesterday...nothing. Today, my husband and I gave him a bath with the Healing Shampoo and Healing Conditioner, leaving the conditioner in and letting him air dry...still no itching. It is incredible. I am keeping the Topical Spray at arms length because I still can't believe we could have finally found a solution. after all we have been through, this is working so well. I can't thank you enough. I decided to attend the Rodeo at the last minute and I am so glad I did as this could change our lives, but more importantly the life of Otis. He has been one happy guy today. I will be telling everyone I know about this product. I will keep you posted as the days past. Otis will be finishing up the steriods this week so I am anxious to see what happens then. Thank you so much for your help!!"

"While at 2013 RTTH recently I met Trudy and her Espana SILK products and she explained her products to me & I bought some , came home, tried them and it is a wonderful product and the best kept secret...this product can be used on you and your animals & smells so good...all at a very good price. I love using the shampoo, conditioner and detangler in a 1, 2, 3 step method and after shampoo & conditioner I towel dry my hair, spray the detangler in with a shine I love to see and now I don't have that big knot that always gets in the back of my hair. I can't stress how much I love Espana SILK. Keep spreading your product--we like natural products for our horses as they come first here. Keep up the good work and stay safe in all your are always welcome to stay here. Your New Friend, Kaye"

"I have shown afghan hounds since 1969 and these are the best coat products I have ever used. This is the first time I have ever written a letter about any product. I wish I could get it here in Washington at a dog show. Thank you"

"Trudy, I wanted to thank you for creating the Espana SILK Antiseptic Conditioner. I have found many applications for it, some of it was mentioned by you and it works...I have been using it on my horses crack in his hoof & dry heals. He loves the scent & this is the first product that he doesn't start stamping his feet in anger over a smell such as hoof dressings in general that are black. He is getting great results and I enjoy applying it as it gives us some quality happy time as he delights in the attention and the feeling it gives. It also serves as a great nail moisturizer for myself and for dry feet in the winter months. My husband who got bit by a spider some time ago has a problem with peeling skin on one hand and he is constantly putting it on now! I also rubbed it on some old summer sores on the horses from living in South Florida that were finally getting some scabes and combining it with the Antiseptic Topical Spray have been getting great results with the scabs dissolving and falling off with the gentle application of the healing "cream". One last note...I use it as well with the Antiseptic Shampoo to first clean the skin area and then the Topical Spray and then the Healing Lotion which could actually be called the "MIRACLE CREAM" :-) Thank you, Thank you"

"This is the Best Product I have ever used in 16 years grooming animals. Just love everything about your products. I could never find a detangler that works, but yours does the magic trick! Thank you and have a nice weekend!"

"I met and bought some products from you at the Burnsville Dog Days of Summer event. I love your products! I've used up the litre bottle of the Natural Waterless Shampoo on my corgi mix, Yoda, who is mostly white, loves to run, play & wrestle with all the dogs at the dog park and needs a bath when we leave. Espana Silk does the trick & it smells AMAZING! And it is so good for her, no chemicals whatsoever! I can even spray it on myself. It's very good stuff. No more stinky dirty dog. Please send me another litre bottle ASAP. I'm so glad we discovered each other."

"Espana Silk products have definitely made my hair and all my hairy four legged family members' hair silky and soft. I have two show stallions with mane down to their shoulders so dealing with grooming products is an essential part of my day. Espana Silk has a solution for every problem I have. I use the protein Antiseptic Shampoo on Mattias, my Friesian stallion's feathers where he has scratches. After a few uses of the shampoo and the healing conditioner, his scratches have visibly reduced. I also love the protein detangler/sunscreen/full body sheen spray. After I wash my horses, I spray it on their mane and let it air dry. The hair instantly becomes so soft and SILKY! Xiomaro, my Andalusian stallion, USEF horse of the year 2011, especially likes the sun protection from this spray. His pink nose will never get burned again when he runs around outside! All my four legged family and I enjoy using Espana Silk Natural Grooming Products and will recommend them to everyone!"

GLOWING WORDS FROM PHANTOM's "MUSIC OF THE KNIGHT" "After receiving these fabulous Espana Silk products, I was very curious to "try them out" right away. Each one that I used exceeded beyond my expectations what it did for my Friesian Stallion's hair! Phantom's "Music of the Knight" has over a 6 foot forelock and his mane is cut to his knees so it doesn't get under foot. His tail felt like "SILK" when I washed and conditioned it with the shampoo products, a quality that I could not get from any other product! The Detangler spray is just "beyond" for the feel and softness. I use the Antiseptic shampoo and conditioner on Music's feathers! I also use the antiseptic conditioner on my hands and body!!! I washed my hair with the regular shampoo and conditioner and couldn't believe the softness! The best part is that they are natural and do not have any harsh chemicals!! Thank you Espana Silk!!!"

"Why I love Espana Silk is that there is simply no other products that compare to it...even for the most sensitive animals or human. Even horses with chronic scratches have no problem anymore after being treated with Espana Silk. There is simply no other product that we will use on our prized Friesians and those of our Clients. I and my horses LOVE the products!!"

"Even though my delivery was quick, i tore terribly requiring 90 minutes of stitiching....but...I'm healing up very well. I want to hug and kiss Trudy for making the healing shampoo. Seriously, it has made ALL the difference in my tears healing and the stitches not pulling. I take a sitz bath twice a day with some shampoo diluted in it and I just can't get over how much it's helped. I tore as bad as you can and it's amazing how fast it's healing. THANK YOU Espana !!! :-) I feel like hospitals should send this home with new moms, mandatory! Thanks again for such wonderful products...I'm proud to share my story!!"

"Just wanted you to know that my pit bulls broke out from the grass. Washed them with your Antiseptic Shampoo and they are GONE :) thanks soooo much. Absolutely love your bug spray! Sprayed the dogs and tried it ourselves. We sat in the front yard and NO mosquito bites!"

"I just wanted to tell you that as a professional groomer I have tried almost every waterless shampoo out there and there is not a better one than yours. I have to share a personal episode where its use was invaluable. I hope you never change the product-it is fantastic! I have an over 100# Kuvasz that had surgery--all went well except he had BAD gastro-intentinal upset--in other words /"flying diarehha"/ & I'm serious if you were closer than a couple feet you could get hit, of course we didn't know this was the case when he came home that night after surgery so approximately 4 a.m. he was full of this all over his tail, pants, feet, etc. was horrible. I took him outside & started to cleanup--had some water with bucket & towel (it was too messy to even take him in my grooiong area). The Espana SILK Waterless Spray completely removed the icky poo plus the odor. I was truly surprised that it REALLY could remove the odor. Now over the next 5 days he still had flying poops I had to actually wrap his pants in plastic, even if he let out a fart it would smear ich out so over this time I had to use the spray very often to spot clean. It takes very little of the spray to be effective & again I can't say enough how well it worked. I have also used it to clean up anal gland accidents from pets I've groomed & it even will work on that & it's about the worst odor & mess to clean up on a dog. Thanks & keep the formula & smell exactly as it is...I love the frangrance it has! Helps alot when your having to clean such smelly stuff!"

"I was introduced to your wonderful products from my friend/groomer! I was told to use the shampoo and conditioner on myself as well as my dogs, horses and cat! So I did and I LOVE IT!!! I am a hair salon owner and have used alot of fancy professional products and have yet to use one that makes my hair feel this amazing!!! I want to carry your products in my salon! I'd love to pass on my love of it to my clients! Is there any way I could purchase it??? Thank you!" :-)

"I just wanted to tell you how great your product is. I have the antiseptic shampoo and my dogs love it. My 13 yr old Sheltie has an area near her tail that had sores from flea bites and they are finally healing after 2 baths with the antiseptic shampoo. Both our Sheltie and Delmation feel silky and smell so good for days. Thanks

"As a skeptic, I wanted to let you know that we have had enough time to give your products a good try and we are sold! I've always liked one of your competitors detanglers but not really the silicon feel it left on the mane and tail. I like your Espana SILK detangler just as well but it smells better and doesn't leave that artificial feel to the hair . The antiseptic topical spray was useful on Queens skin problems above the tail--no need for the iodine bath! We'll be buying more and spreading the word!"

"I have spent a lot of time and money trying to find the right shampoo for my fussy, natural curls. Most left me battling either residue, frizz or both. Espana's shampoo feels immediately different -- my hair feels clean and unbelievable silky even before I style it. Espana consistently gives me soft, shiny, distinct curls. I love it!"

"While applying make-up in our hotel bathroom, the pump on my foundation bottle squirted the lovely sun-tan color on my clean white blouse. I grabbed the bag with my hair products and applied the WATERLESS SHAMPOO on the spots. It took two applications and a bit of rubbing with a wash cloth, but it worked!! Even my husband was impressed with the result. He did not believe it would work. THANKS, ESPANA!!!"

"Late one night a few days ago, I let my blue heeler, Bindie, out to pee. Before she made it back to the door I caught a whiff of skunk and thought "Oh no!" In the house she came smelling like the skunk was in her back pocket. It was 3am and the last thing I wanted to do was bathe a dog, but I couldn't leave that spray on her it would take weeks to wear off. So, I grabbed the bottle of Espana Silk Antiseptic Healing Shampoo I had just gotten, thinking "what the heck it couldn't hurt". I bathed Bindie in the barn wash stall, scrubbing her face where she had been sprayed. I towel dried her off and left her in the barn to dry, fulling expecting the barn to smell like wet skunk and dog in the morning. To my surprise and amazement, by morning light not only did the barn not smell but I could only slightly detect the skunk spray by pressing my nose to Bindie's face! Aparrently one of the ingredients in the shampoo cut the oily spray and actually neutralized it....I just had to write and tell you, Trudy. You truly have an exceptional product - in ways I never dreamed of?"

"Just wanted to let you know that my very itchy cat that I talked to you about at the Salem Witch Ride in Lincoln, AR is doing much better. Used the Silk Protein Antiseptic Healing Conditioner on him and in 2 days the crusty soars were gone. He is still itchy but not nearly so desperate as he was before. Also used it on my other cat that had been bitten on the nose by a kitten and it healed him up and he has black hair growing already. This cat had also gotten ringworm from the same kitten and putting it on those spots has prevented it from growing and he is also growing his hair back on those spots! Been using the shampoo and detangler on my hair and it is looking great as well. Thank you for helping us all out with our haircoats!"

"As an Espana SILK Corporate Representative I couldn't be more proud of our products than to share this story. One of my clients has a friend with a dog having such severe skin issues she was losing sleep and had lost much of her fur. The dog was in such agony the woman was considering having to euthanize her since nothing the vet had done was working. My client gave the owner some of our topical antiseptic spray and to her delight the dog is now comfortable again and I'm sure will begin growing her winter coat now. These and similar stories continue to convince us that we have the best products on the market!"

"On Friday before the horse show, Espana SILK Shampoo and Detangler were used to bathe the Palomino "Dirt Diva" who enjoys rolling in the rich black dirt in the paddock, and waste in her stall. Meanwhile, in Southwest MN, my husband was using the Espana SILK Detangler on our 8 month old Gordon Setter, applying the spray both before and after she ran through the thicket in the fields. Saturday morning, I used the same Espana Silk Products to wash and condition my hair, and the Antiseptic on patches of irritated dry skin. Human, equine, and canine have all benefitted from Espana SILK chemistry!"

"Waterless Shampoo to the rescure to remove last minute stains from white clothing! At North Run last weekend, minutes before going into the ring, my white shirt was 'slobbered' with green hay saliva. I quickly sprayed on your Espana Silk Waterless Shampoo, gave a few rubs, and voila...stains gone! MANY THANKS for the tip!! I also used your product in the morning at the barn to remove manure stains caused by rolling during the night. Espana SILK has created the miracle product!!"

"I love your products! I have a Soft Coated Wheaton Terrier who is prone to allergy related skin problems. I am happy to say that his skin and coat are so much better. He rarely gets any sores and if he does they are cleared up quickly by using the antiseptic spray. His hair is so soft and shiny too. I have ecsema on my scalp and skin and for my whole life I have been trying to find something to control it. I have had prescription creams and shampoos and overnight treatments that might work for a bit on the skin problem but then my beautiful curly hair would be fried and damaged. I have tried to find a natural salon brand that would help both my scalp and hair get along but none of it worked. I was spending so much money on so many different products that didn't help. So, when a friend of mine recommended your prodcuts for my dog, bear, and he said that they were great for people too, I was skeptical. I am not anymore!!! I will never use anything else for me or my dog! My scalp use to burn and itch so badly when I would get out of a more! I used to have to wear hats some days because the flaking on my scalp was so more!!! My hair is so shiny and soft that my hair dresser asked what I was using. THANK YOU FOR MAKING A PRODUCT THAT HAS MADE SUCH A WONDERFUL DIFFERENCE IN MY LIFE!!"

"I have used the Waterless Shampoo on my two sons, when they needed a "freshening-up" after playing hard on the playground. They smelled good and felt good after being sweaty. It is fantastic! My 5 year old has eczyma on his legs pretty bad and we use thick, greasy creams, which he hates having applied to it. A few days ago, I decided to use your conditioner on it and he was like "Wow, mom, this smells great!" and he didn't squirm around, he didn't mind the application and and it calmed down the flare up! I think this is so awesome!!! I have to say, how much I LOVE the shampoo and conditioner. My hair has not felt this good or looked so shiney in years. I have chemically processed hair too and the only way I could get it shiney was to use an oily glossing spray...but, now I haven't had to use ANYTHING in my hair!! Way to go on creating such a fantastic product!! You have a customer for life!!"

"I just have four words to say....I LOVE YOUR PRODUCTS!!! Thank you for creating them."

"Dear Espana, your Antiseptic Topical Spray is working. The rain rot on my mares butt is not spreading like last year....I'm glad I found you when I did. I have also used your products on my hair and hair has never looked better. I just convinced my daughter to use the Antiseptic Spray on her acne....we both LOVE your fabulous products."

"I don't like to promote products but this one is EXCEPTIONAL. I just wanted you all to know of a wonderful product that is available for your Friesians. Not only are these products ALL NATURAL but they are biodegradable, hypoallergenic and the list goes on. I use the ESPANA "SILK" Natural Products and highly recommend them to everyone for themselves, their horses, dogs & cats. The SILK Natural Waterless Shampoo is the best when you cannot water bathe your horse. It not only makes your horse clean and fresh, they will smell wonderful too! It's also great to use on your own hair when there is no time to shampoo or no water is available. The SILK Natural Protein Detangler/Full Body Sheen /Protectant Spray will make your horse sparkle and shine and is a dirt/dust repellent too. None of these products make the hair feel heavy or leave a residue." Check out the youtube video of Cassandra Adams and Valour doing the Extreme Cowboy Race at the Equine Affaire....Cassandra is wearing the green Espana "Silk" Shirt

"We like working with all our new ESPANA products! The groomers have told me that from the smell of the products to the condition of the coat afterward, they love the whole line. I've had reason to use the antiseptic spray and the waterless shampoo on my boarding clients for various reasons. Also the detangling spray has been a real time saver and is something we brush out our long feathered dogs with before sending home after a stay with us. Because our water here is well-water and is soft the fact that the shampoo is not heavy sudsing, rinse time is not a long process and saves time and is easy on the septic. THANK YOU, THANK YOU for introducing us to this great product."

"I LOVE your Conditioner--and used it on one of my old leather bridles and was totally impressed as I continue to be with all of your other products I use on my Haflinger. I now have many others I tell about your products to start using."

"Hi, I recently tried your products on my Afghan Hound after they were recommended to me by my breeder. I have to say, I am amazed at how well they work. My dog has a cotton type coat and has been very difficult to deal with. So many products have not worked, so I was so pleased at these results. Thanks so much for creating these products!"

"It's a MIRACLE! I must tell you about my brother-in-law who had the worse eczema on his hands I'd ever seen...they were peeling deeply...layers of peeling...cracked...bleeding. We initially tried just your healing conditioner, but then went to your healing shampoo to wash, then used the Antiseptic Topical Spray to get in there deeply and finally used the healing conditioner as the top coat. HIS HANDS NOW LOOK NORMAL...IT'S UNBELIEVABLE! He had been to local doctors and had been put on steroids (that you can't live forever on) and then went to the best doctors. Finally, one said the only thing they hadn't tried yet was Chinese medicine. Before they went that route he agreed to try ESPANA and showed me his hands tonight...he and his wife are thrilled....they really look healed! Yippee....another Espana Victory!"

I have been using Espana products exclusively on my horse Fable for almost a year.  I have had problems with him in the past with tail breakage, allergies and insect sensitivity.  I am not one to over wash or over-groom my horse.  It drives us both crazy.  After all, he is a horse. The products have really made a difference.  I particularly like the mane and tail spray conditioner/detangler and the topical antiseptic spray.  When I wash him, it is a huge production as he is a healthy 17.2h and bathing is not his favorite activity.  The products help his coat stay cleaner.  The dirt doesn't stick as much as with other products.  In these photos, he hadn't been bathed in well over a month.  We have no hot water in the barn and I do not blanket him unless it is close to 10 below 0.  Both photos were taken the same day and even with the snow and mud, he stayed almost clean. Thanks Trudy

"I work with someone who introduced me to your unbelievable products. I have tried the shampoo and conditioner on my hair and now I WON'T USE ANYTHING ELSE!! I'm totally hooked after trying them. It makes such a difference in the texture of my very fine, thin, limp hair and changed it to feeling and looking so healthy and shiny. I am so pleased with the friend gave me your pamplet and I want to order more."

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! I tried your Espana shampoos (both at different times) and conditioner and I'm now a new addict!!! LOVE IT!!! Interestingly, it keeps my hair from holding onto water and it dried much faster both times! Also it does take the tight curls out that my hair will make if I don't straighten it with products and a hair straightener AFTER blow drying straight! I used my fingers and hair dryer and once dry, my hair had body - lots of body - didn't lay limp such as after a straightner. A hair straightener will take the frizz and curl out of my hair but it will make it dreadfully limp at the same time. After using the blow dryer with ESPANA, my hair had no frizz, no tight spirally curls, but a lot of body...more like my hair when I was younger. Espana did keep me from having to use a ton of other products and sprays. I spent much less time drying and the second day I did use my straightner on it to wear it without any loose waves, but it took less than 5 minutes since the ESPANA helped to straighten the hair as I blow dried it. ( It usually takes 25 minutes to straighten my hair after it's dried.) The antiseptic shampoo kept my husbands hair soft for more than just one day....I think he is enjoying his non-itchy head:)"

"I stuggle with rosacea and the standard treamtment hasn't worked for me....since using your antiseptic conditioner for just a short skin condition has already improved greatly."

"I do not usually do this but I have to comment on your products. I first tried the shampoo at the Bearded Collie National in MN and have been very pleased how my 4 year old brown beardie boy looks. We are just starting to show him as a special and being a brown can be a disadvantage. But, because of his breeding he is a wonderful red brown. Silk shampoo and the spray make his color shine....really shine! That makes him much more eyecatching. And showing a dog at this level, means we have to always be on our best. This is a great part of what we are doing to get our brown boy to the BEST of Breed win. Oh!...your products smell so good as well. Thank you."

"Yesterday I groomed a Newfoundland. I generally bathe and under cut the coat to remove all matted fur. I bathed, conditioned and used the detangler...not one bit of cutting was needed....just brushed right out and cut grooming time wayyyy down!" I also have a kennel for boarders....the practice is now going to be spraying dogs feathers and coats with the detangler so all dogs will leave looking and smelling like winners!!!

"I love all my Espana products and just used them yesterday grooming dogs...they stay so clean so much longer and they are soooooo soooooo soft!! We love Espana :)))

"I purchased Espana shampoo and has worked miracles with the coat on my English Cocker. His coat would mat the minute it got wet. After using Espana Silk Shampoo and Conditioner, his coat does not mat. He loves to make snow angels and snow balls collect in his coat. I thought he would have mats once the snow melted. He did not. Thanks so much for introducing me to Espana products."

"My hair glistened today.....yes, it did....the Espana Shampoo and Conditioner gives my hair more body. With white hair I have to be careful what I use because the white pigment will pick up any color the shampoo I had to use another shampoo that is for white hair to get rid of the yellow/green tinge....but with Espana products I don't need to do that anymore."

"I just want to tell you how much we love your products!! Iuse it on myself, my Havanese and my horses. The silky shine is wonderful and they seem to stay nicer longer. I am not seeing mats on the dogs groomed with your products. I am a firm believer and recommend this to anyone. I have to say I have tried everything on the market for the last 19 years and this is the first time I have been motivated to write a recommendation. Thank you for all your hard work developing such a great product line."

"I have a wonderful testimonial to share with you.....I color my hair and do get perms and have never had a shine to my hair and used your regular protein shampoo and conditioner today and want you to know my hair is so shiney ---it's great-- so I have another great reason to use your products that work so beautifully on my dogs and myself."

"I have taken time to read ALL, yes, ALL of the testimonials and was shocked to see so minimal uses on peope. Yeah, the products are all great (yip, I got all 6 products). Before I mention the people uses, let me say that these are great on our dogs. On my King Charles Spaniel his hair is easily managed and he seems to stay clean longer. Oh, and he rolled in fish so I used the waterless shampoo for a quick fix and to see what it would do....worked great! My Miniature Pinscher uses the antiseptic wash and got rid of his dry flaky skin. Here's the awesome said it would clear up my daughter's cradle cap. Let me say I washed her hair with the antiseptic shampoo (let it sit for a bit) and used your conditioner. When I scratched my nails on the cradle cap it just flaked of! After the first washing with the antiseptic wash it was nearly gone. I sprayed a couple times with the antiseptic spray and it is gone and has not returned! I was dreading using the oil treatment because it is so time consuming and hard to wash oil out of hair. I use the antiseptic wash on the chiggers I managed to get and that relieved some itching. The only bummer is that I use your products in 2 bathrooms, the camper, for travel and in the laundry room for the dog baths so I am lugging it all over. I will have to get more bottles! Hope to see you real soon at an upcoming show."

"Dear Espana, My Curly Coated Retriever and I met you at your booth at the Eau Claire dog show earlier this year. (We won the most patient award!) I am so glad you were there with your products! Our national specialty was held at Purina Farms, St. Louis, MO this year. I used the antiseptic spray rather than using topical flea/tick applications. Only one of my dogs had one small tick. Most other dogs and people were covered in ticks. Heck, I used the spray on myself too.....your products have helped myself, my dogs and those of my friends. I was hoping to meet up with you again soon....I am in need of more of multiple products. Thank you."

"I have noticed such a change in my hair since I started using your Silk Protein Shampoo and Conditioner. It's so....silky! :) When I got it cut just recently, the stylist commented on how healthy my hair is. Thank you!"

"Because of your Espana "SILK" waterless shampoo I was able to make it through the Winter....and now that we are into the Spring Season I don't know what I would do without your amazing, easy-to-use, convenient and COMPLETELY DOES THE JOB SO BEAUTIFULLY WATERLESS SHAMPOO product for my horses, my dogs and the family. The kids and I really enjoy the ease, simplicity combined with superior results it has given us on numerous occassions personally as well as with our animals. All I can say is WE NEED MORE WATERLESS SHAMPOO....IT'S GREAT and I can assure you that our family along with all our 4 legged critters are customers for life!!!

"Just wanted to let you know how much I love your ESPANA Products. The leave-in conditioning spray is soooo much better than anything else I have tried. It's not sticky, slippery or greasy, and it really does a great job detangling. I use it all the time! And just today I had to use the antiseptic spray on my horses heels and his neck, his skin is acting up from the mud and rain a few weeks ago. It was so nice to just have it there in my tack box when I needed it. I am sure I'll have to buy more soon though:)"

"I gave your Antiseptic Topical Spray a try out as a liniment on an old neck injury....I just wanted you to know that in a short time I already noticed relief and within a half hour it was working wonders on my neck pain....I greatly appreciate having an all natural product that gives me comfort so quickly for my mild sore & aching muscles."

"I brought my dog into my groomer....I had her use your shampoo and dog just GLEAMS and SMELLS great too!!! My dog no longer scratches himself......I'm happy to say it's becuse of your SILK!! I will be purchasing more soon as I also use your protein shampoo and conditioner on my hair. Thanks."

"I am seriously in love with your products. It saved me loads of gelding was a solid, mud ball, knotted mess and by the end of it the detangler and waterless shampoo had him looking spiffy!! I'm looking forward to taking advantage of your grooming products to get my gelding looking his best for the upcoming show season. Happy Trails---P.S. On my visit to Texas I brought your products with and My Aunts are also in love with your Shampoo!!"

"It's very interesting how you got started.....I know your product (the "SILK" detangler) is I know WHY. I use it on my mares mane & tail almost every day. She is turned out and sometimes gets into undergrowth where she picks up brambles, etc. "Silk" makes it so easy to get that stuff out, and her hairs don't rip or break....even if she just lies down in her stall, "Silk" makes it so easy to brush her mane & tail out. Her stall is bedded with woody-pet and often most of it just shakes out. We don't bathe often during the really cold weather, so this is really important!"

"I must forward you a'll certainly be able to pick out the ESPANA horse! Our vet asked what I used since she said his coat was by far in the best shape this spring than the other horses she'd seen!"

"I have only positive feedback to give you on all your products.....I have used everything up already and absolutely LOVE the smell which is very important to me....your products work better than any thing else I have used---they were not sticky and did not leave any residue which are also important to me. I'll be calling you soon for more."

"I LOVE your shampoo & little ladylike havanese does well with your products. Thank you!"

"We really love your products - on our dogs especially!! I don't have any problems with matts in their hair any longer and they stay combed out for weeks!! I'll be in touch soon."

"I appreciate being able to have such a fantastic product that is also safe for me, my whole family, my horse and my dog. Much Continued Success!!!"

"Hi, we met you at the Sauk Center Horse Show after my friend had told us how awesome your products are....and was she ever right on!!! I just had to let you know that we have used your products on our horse and our dogs and love them!!! I'll be stocking up again soon---thanks for your wonderful products!"

"I have been meaning to call or write and tell you how much I love your products. One of my Lhasa friends calls the detangler a "miracle detangler". I have started using the shampoo and conditioner on my Lhasas and I love the way their coat is helps to make it lie flat and straight which is exactly what we want. It helps to control the static which is also very important. Keeping full coats on Lhasas is not always an easy task and something that makes that easier is better for not just us owners but the dogs too. I will definitely be ordering more. I gave my friend some to try, who has been showing Lhasas for probably 35 years or more and has been thru a lot of products, and she is now raving about your products as well!! I, of course, love it on my horses too. I will be in touch soon again.

"I just tried your products this week from the MN Expo and LOVE the detangler--I will never be without it and know I will need it in the gallons. Thought I would try to get the local tack store to carry your line--I am sooo passionate about it already!! My gelding has some nasty fungus on his back legs and with your shampoo and antiseptic spray they have improved every time I have rewrapped them this past week (after 2 months of trying everything under the sun including RX's). Now I can't wait to try your other products. I love that they are natural with NO alcohol or soap and as a bonus have sunscreen! I am a total groom-aholic and putzer with my horses and always try the latest products--NOTHING has ever come close to how I feel about yours! Can you tell I am excited? Thank you Thank you!!"

"Listen, you guys are going to get tired of my commentary, but I have another!!! Last night my horse had either hives or a series of very itchy bites on his flanks and belly. I sprayed the topical antiseptic on it and thought, yeah, as much as I like the other stuff this won't really stop the itch cycle....I waited a minute or two and then went back to those areas....he no longer itched was absolutely amazing since he was no longer trying to rub the itchy spots nor was it like I was grooming itchy places on him. Once again....ABSOLUTELY AMAZING PRODUCTS!!!"

"Hi, it was so great to see you at the MN Horse Fair! Especially since I LOVE your detangler!!!! I used it on my horse when his mane was so messed up with wind knots, it was like a big mess of steel wool. using your detangler made it VERY easy to get it untangled, and I love the fact that my hands weren't all yucky afterwards! AMAZING STUFF! I'll be placing another order very soon!!!"

"A huge THANKS for your ESPANA products. My daughter and I are delighted with the results. We're using the topical spray on one of our horses that has scratches and are so pleased. Again....THANKS!!!"

"I'm using your shampoo & conditioner on myself and really like it!! I like how the conditioner is "light" and the fragrance is really light---you have some good products on your hands and I'm really excited about them!!!"

"Hi Espana....I think your detangler is the absolute best on the market ANYWHERE!! And the antiseptic spray is wonderful for a multitude of skin problems...and of course the shampoo is great and the waterless shampoo...well it was a godsend this winter for my dogs and horses alike."

"I have used ESPANA Products and like them so much...because they are 100% natural and actually hydrate the skin, this winter when I removed blankets there was almost no dander. The antiseptic spray is what really sold me because it was the only product that stopped my TB gelding from rubbing his tail. I had previously tried anti-fungals, steroids and cortisone, none of which worked. The waterless shampoo removes green stains which is great to have at horse shows and a little goes a long way so it's a nice benefit to be cost effective too.....I LOVE ESPANA "Silk"!!

"Hi. I met with you at the Renaissance "Pet Fest" with my little dog with the dry flakes on the underside of his ears. You suggested the Antiseptic Topical spray, Healing Shampoo & the Detangler. I used the shampoo and his coat feels great. I've been using the Antiseptic spray daily and it works wonderfully. I noticed an improvement from the 2nd day. Thank you for the great advice on solving my dogs skin issues. Espana "Silk" products has a customer for life!!! "

"I'm happy to tell you that my horses mane is not bleached out from Black to Reddish this year, thanks to your Detangler/Full Body Sheen with Sunscreen....and the Topical Antiseptic is AMAZING!!!!"

"Hi Trudy & Bob, I met you at the Dog Show and just wanted to take a second to tell you that meeting was I think...Providential! I only purchased one of your products, the Protein Detangler/Full Body Sheen Spray, which I got for my rescue poodle. I didn't know what I was going to do, but I was determined I would somehow learn to maintain his coat myself. This product, along with a little comment from another woman at the dog show who told me "You're going to like this stuff", somehow has given me the confidence to forge ahead. I've trimmed up his face and his daily brush outs with your wonderful detangler are a pleasure for us both. I totally love how his coat feels afterwards. Thank you ever so much for all the time, love and effort you have put into developing such a superior product line."

"Dear ESPANA, I have been using the shampoos and the conditioner as well as detangler. I have been soaking my boyfriends feet in a bath of the antiseptic shampoo and it is working wonders on healing the cracks and easing the soreness. Your product has given my hair a new shine that it hasn't had in a very long time....all I need to do now is purchase some more."

"Your detangler is wonderful for my collies....not only does it help keep them from matting but it also lets the stable 'dirt' slide right off their it!!"

"My horse and I absolutely love your products! When I moved to Arizona I was unable to find it at my local tack store. After letting the owner try a few of them and requesting that they start carrying it, I am now able to buy it locally at Double D Western Store in Wickenburg, I especially like the detangler/full body sheen spray. Please keep me posted on any new products in your line, and again, it is very appreciated to have such a fantastic product that is also safe for both me and my horse. Continued Success!!!"

"I use all of your products religiously! When I purchased my horse last year, he had 3 big sarcoids (large, flat break-out type areas on his skin). Two were under the saddle area, one on his chest. Sarcoids can be caused by stress, nutritional deficiencies, any number of causes....anyway, I started treating them with your antiseptic spray. They all went away immediately. After I ride him, I feel the skin under the saddle area with my fingers, if I find a small bump, it means a sarcoid is starting. I just keep it sprayed with your antiseptic spray, and it goes away! He has not developed any new sarcoids-I'm just thrilled."

"I use your mane/tail/detangler & coat conditioner and my horses coat just shines. I wash my own hair with your shampoo and use your waterless shampoo as well. I recommend and endorse all your products wholeheartedly to everyone at my barn---I just love them and wanted to write to tell you so!"

"I have no words to express my gratitude. In searching over past pictures of my dogs I could tell the difference with the EspanaSILK products versus when I used other stuff....the shine and health of the coats with EspanSILK is unsurpassable. The coats of my dogs have suffered a bit when I am out of and not using EspanaSILK and they do not look as they used to be when I used ONLY the EspanaSILK products, not only that, the health of their skin had suffered too and the overall results have been awful. Now one of my dogs has a skin issue and the coats are not the same. I could see the difference in the matting and they don't stay clean and problem free as when I use the EspanaSILK . I am in desperate need of your products and should have known that all I and my dogs need is EspanaSILK. I am so glad with all your succes. We need more women in the winning circles and America needs more "human" companies, owned by caring people which not only care about the business part, but the real peple that consume them. I feel honored to be apart of the EspanaSILK Family."

"I have been breeding Lhasa Apsos for 30 years, 130+ champions to our kennel name. Needless to say, I have used several grooming products over the years and some I have really liked but I have never put my name and reputation in support of one until now. I started using EspanaSILK products 6 years ago, and it is the only product I now use. Every Lhasa Apso's coat is different and I use to try different products for each of their individual coat textures, but no more. I can use EspanaSILK on every coat in my kennel and they all turn out healthy and shiney. I love EspanaSILK's Natural Protein Detangler! If I would of been using this product years ago, I could of virtually saved DAYS of grooming time. EspanaSILK simplifies and iminimizes grooming-simply as that. I am also an AKC judge, and I can tell you first impression plays a big part of a judges final decision. Give your dog the advantage of a beautiful coat by trying EspanaSILK. Thanks to Trudy, who is always more than happy to answer a question or give advice on how to use this product to it's fullest advantage."

"I wanted to let you kow that I ordered your products a while back and you included a sample of your Whitening & Brightening Shampoo. I have a 5 year old Coton de Tulear and I can tell you he never looked better. His coat is so white and he doesn't mat as easily! Love your products! I need to order more! Thank you so much!"